How to Make Your Essay Persuasive

When’s the last time you tried to convince someone to do something they didn’t want to do? Ever had an argument about an issue that just seemed to go on forever? This happens every day, and it’s a vivid illustration of how difficult it can be to persuade anyone of anything. Persuasion is a talent, and not everyone has this inborn all-convincing skill. When students write a persuasive essay, they face a nearly impossible query: how do I write a paper that will convince someone to believe what I believe? I can barely do that in real life arguments, let alone written down in black and white!

Persuasive essays can be embarrassing and ineffective if you don’t understand the simple ideas behind crafting one. As a specific type of essay, the persuasive essay requires certain strategies and thought processes. These handy tips will show you exactly how to write your next persuasive essay with ease and intelligence!

Acknowledge the other point of view

Nobody likes someone who spouts opinions and evidence without giving two cents to other viable beliefs. You don’t want to come off as close-minded; this will make your essay far less persuasive. Instead, acknowledge the other sides of the issue. See if you can find common ground with opposing viewpoints. You’re more likely to persuade believers of an opposing view when you’re empathetic and respectful of their opinions, or when you demonstrate shared ethical values.

Use evidence and facts

A persuasive essay may incorporate your opinion or beliefs to some degree, but those beliefs must be founded in reality. For each point of your argument, provide evidence to support your claims. This could come in the form of statistics, data or other concrete evidence that isn’t swayed by personal opinion. This will make your essay much more credible and convincing.

Keep it neat and organized

Like all essays, make sure you have a clearly stated thesis in the introduction, well-organized body paragraphs and a summarizing, closure-giving conclusion. By keeping your thoughts organized and clearly expressing your ideas and facts, people are more likely to understand (and as a result, support) your argument.

Confidence and passion

This isn’t a dry lecture by some physics professor. This is your opinion, your deep-held belief, and you’re trying to convince others to share it. You need to communicate this in your writing! People are far more likely to follow a passionate leader than a monotonous lecturer. If you can communicate your own enthusiasm and belief in a cause or point of view, people will respect that, wonder why you are so fervent, and want to be fervent themselves!